How to be IIT topper
If you want to be IIT topper apply our
methods on your study.within one month you will find confidence on yourself.
We have made number of students to the
IIT toppers.
Our students are studying in IIT Mumbai,
IIT Kharagpur,IIT Delhi and IIT ISM
We have used this mathod in number of
Students.Since last six years we are
applying this mathod on IIT students.
IIT candidates found this mathod very
Useful for practicing questions.
We improved number of IIT Candidates'
Mathematics.we also improved number
Of IIT candidates' physics and chemistry.
Our students got top scores by applying
This mathod on their study.
Study You will find the difference within
thirty days on yourself. Apply our
Methods on your study honestly and
regularly and see the result.
Bar Graph Method
In this mathod we make bar graph of
Mathematics, physics and chemistry.
When we make bar graph daily we
find that our result is improving day by
day in mathematics, physics and chemistry.we observe our bar graph daily carefully and we find that our practicing and timing is improving.15 days ago IIT candidates used to solve 10 questions in 60 minutes now after 15 days they are solving these 10 questions in 30-35 minutes.This happened because of bar graph.
Your bar graph will show you how slow you solve mathematics, physics and chemistry. After seeing your performance you can improve later.
How to make bar graph.
It's very easy to make bar graph.take timeto the y- axis and number of questions which you solve to the X-axis.
You make three bar graph daily first bar graph for mathematics second bar graph for physics and third bar graph for chemistry.
Y-axis will represent time you take for
Solving the questions and X-axis will
represent number of questions which
You solve everyday.
This bar graph must be drawn daily after studying in all three subjects.In mathematics, physics and chemistry.All bar graph should be in a thicker notebook
Compare your bar graph
Month March bar graph must be compared with month April.
Month April bar graph must be compared
With month May.
Month May bar graph must be compared with month June. And so on....
In one month you will make 30 bar graphs for mathematics,30 bar graphs for physics and 30 bar graphs chemistry.Mathematics bar graph should be compared with mathematics, physics bar graph should be compared with physics and chemistry bar graph should be compared with chemistry. Draw bar graph daily you will find unbelievable result by bar graph.
Within six months you would be very confident.In very less time you will solve number of questions.This bar graph method will make you IIT topper.
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